
They Will All Know Me
God’s Passion and Provision for Sharing Life With You NOW
When you become a Christian, you are brought into God’s family. This is a real family, whose members want to be an active part of your life from the moment of your spiritual rebirth.
And while it will be extraordinarily wonderful in heaven, God never intended for this life-sharing to begin AFTER you get there. This is why God gives His Spirit to His children. His Spirit comes to dwell with your newborn human spirit, connecting you to the family and enabling genuine fellowship with the Father and the Son.

Can I Really Hear God?
Co-Authored with Dr. Ron Woolever
The Bible is full of references to the importance of hearing “God’s voice” — of perceiving His communication. God has given us the capacity to know His thoughts and makes it clear that we must learn to hear Him in order to walk with Him in fullness of life and fruitfulness.

Rooted & Established In Love
The Power & Purpose of The Greatest Commandment
A Christian’s relationship to God is best rooted in His powerful love, but many have a relationship established instead in legalism, neediness, spiritual ambition or fear. Once you are established in God’s love, you can learn how to love God with all your might. God’s Kingdom is meant to be inhabited by those who are both beloved and faithful lovers of God.

The Woman God Designed
Living the Life He Longs To Give
A woman experiences God and expresses His life in uniquely feminine ways. This book is a thorough study in Christian womanhood and marriage. But first it leads the reader to ask and choose the answer to the question, “What kind of woman will I be?”