God’s Word: A Partnership With Man

Luke 5 tells the amazing story of Jesus in his early days of ministry, giving Simon Peter and his cohort of fishermen a miraculous catch of fish. So many that, when the crews of two fishing boats tried to haul them in together, both boats …

The Promised Eternal Inheritance

Hebrews Chapter 9 is packed with powerful things worth pondering. As a bonus, it offers a surprising revelation: that the New Covenant of Christ is actually the promised eternal inheritance. Up to now, the author focused on explaining the New Covenant. So why does the …

Christian, Draw Near To God, Because You Can

Today I am pondering Hebrews Chapter 7, and one special phrase in the following passage that especially stirs my spirit: The former regulation is set aside because it was weak and useless (for the law made nothing perfect), and a better hope is introduced, by …

Hebrews 4:12: Heart Surgery, Anyone?

Hebrews 4:12 says God’s Word is living and active. So what is it doing in all that living and activity, where you are concerned? Ponder with me the fuller passage from Hebrews 4:12-16. Then we’ll look closely at verse 12, from The Passion Translation: For …

Jesus Suffered Like You And Me

The Bible says Jesus became the perfect model of humanity, because of what he suffered. What does that actually mean? The answer may surprise you. To understand this, we need to ponder Hebrews 2:5-18: It is not to angels that he has subjected the world …

Are You Holy?

“Good morning Holy Spirit!” These are normally the first words out of my mouth upon awakening each day. It is my way of acknowledging my faith in the Presence of God the Spirit, and continuing our interaction day by day. Often, a response comes to …

To Finish Well, Eat Your Vegetables

Do you ever feel in danger of drifting away from your faith? Of losing hope in God, wondering all over again if He is real? Or perhaps you’ve never doubted God, but struggled with believing all the stuff the Bible says. I have experienced all …

Christmas – Connecting The Covenant DNA Dots

It’s a good time to review how we came to have Christ, a Son given to us from God, and to celebrate His Christmas. It’s a good time for connecting the New Covenant DNA dots, to not only realize the reason for the season, but …

Discovering The Commandments of Jesus

He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.” “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; …

God’s Word: Logos or Rhema?

The New Testament Greek writers used one of two words in referring to the Word or words of God: logos or rhema. It is helpful to know the difference and what they each reveal about how God communicates to the Christian believer. Our book, Can …

The Spirit Meets You In His Word

When I came to the Lord as a raw recruit, I knew nothing of Him, and zilch of the Bible. As soon as I began to read it, I realized I had to choose how to respond to it. Was it all really true? Or …

A Tabernacle for God: Built By The Willing Heart

Moses’ Tabernacle illustrates the inward dwelling place God desires for Himself in the heart of His child. God helps the willing heart to build it. …