Lord, more real than all I see around me, is this: your Spirit, and my spirit, connected together. We are one. You are in me, and I am in You.
By your awesome grace.
By the sacrifice of Jesus, who gladly gave His life for this reality.
I could never earn this. You gave me this life because I believed.
Thank you for your real Spirit. Thank you for your real Son. Thank you for the real wisdom that bubbles up in my spirit every day from the place where you dwell.
Help me to live all day in the awareness of You, fully present in me. I know you designed this for my joy, and for your glory.
Makes me miss my neighbor but it blesses me to know we are forever joined together by the Spirit who binds us together always. Love your blog(s).
28th Jan 18
Thank you Betty! I’ll never forget our friendship began when the Lord led us to seek each other out when we didn’t know one another, and made us prayer partners. I cherish those days, and you!
Betty Freberg | 23rd Jan 18
Makes me miss my neighbor but it blesses me to know we are forever joined together by the Spirit who binds us together always. Love your blog(s).
twoolever@gmail.com | 28th Jan 18
Thank you Betty! I’ll never forget our friendship began when the Lord led us to seek each other out when we didn’t know one another, and made us prayer partners. I cherish those days, and you!