Hello thirsty soul!
If your Christian experience is not everything you hoped for, someone hasn’t told you all the news: God wants to share life with you every day!
God created you to hear His voice and enjoy His tender love. To live a life of knowing Him. Even to learn, rest, play and work with Him. He makes all this possible by sending His Holy Spirit to his born-again children.
I call my blog Spirit Life because the Holy Spirit is the one who makes life with God possible while you live on earth. The Apostle Paul connected the dots of the New Covenant (initiated by Christ) with the Holy Spirit when he wrote:
Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God, who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
2 Corinthians 3:5-6 NASB
My purpose: to teach about life in the New Covenant of the Spirit.
The Old Covenant came through Moses, and was kept by strict obedience to God’s laws.
The New Covenant comes through Jesus Christ, and is kept by walking with the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit helps you build your life with the Lord, guiding and teaching you to know Him day by day. Knowing God is the treasure of Christianity, and the reason Jesus redeemed you with His life!
You’re probably hungry for a satisfying relationship with the Lord.
You want it real, accessible, sustainable. I know that hunger, because it spurred me on from the first day. Hunger for abundant life — and the God who promises it — is the reason I write books, blog, and devotionals. You can build an authentic and nourishing relationship with the Lord — for your joy and for His glory.
Spirit Life Blog
“Spirit life” is my term for life shared with the Holy Spirit in the New Covenant.
The Bible is clear: Christianity is not just another religion; it is an interactive relationship with the Living God. Anything less than genuine relationship with the Father, Son and Spirit falls short of God’s design for His creation.
If you are a Christian and do not yet experience real fellowship with the Spirit of the Lord, you are missing the best part of your salvation this side of heaven. I want to help you discover all that.
I may stir you out of spiritual ruts by telling you things you don’t hear often — like the fact that heaven is not the primary goal of Christianity! The supreme goal of Christianity is knowing God. Heaven is where that relationship continues eternally after you no longer need your earth suit.
If you are not a Christian:
You are clearly curious about what draws Christians to follow Jesus Christ. Please stay with me for awhile. Let me help you discover what life looks like when you trust God with it. I suggest you begin with my article posted under the Resources tab, entitled “Spirit Life Defined.”
My style is a combination of teaching and testifying.
I share my stories because I have grown so much from hearing about the experiences of other Christians with God. I treasure transparency, so what I offer you is the ongoing experience of a flawed human being sharing life with an amazingly good God.
Anytime you would like a personal discussion about a topic, or to ask questions, please contact me.