Rooted & Established In Love by Tonia Woolever

Rooted & Established In Love:

The Power & Purpose Of The Greatest Commandment

Do you experience and enjoy God’s love? Do you struggle with “the greatest commandment,” to love God with all your might? You’re not alone. Christians seek help on these two issues more than almost any other.

In this powerful little book Tonia reveals why a satisfying and life-changing relationship with Christ can only be built upon the kind of mutual, accountable covenant love Jesus described.

God’s Design

The Spirit’s first work in a new believer is to bring them into a personal experience of God’s love for them. The faithful, tender, healing love of God begins the repair of our broken places. It establishes our new identity as beloved children, an identity that begins the transformation of our values, self-image and lifestyle.

But our promised Christian life cannot mature into its full potential in a one-sided relationship. We were not created to remain merely the needy children of God, drinking a river of love flowing only one way. Therefore, the Spirit gently, steadily works to help us grow into a genuine love for God — the kind of love that governs our whole being. A powerful reciprocal love makes for the best relationship.

Between these “bookends of love” — being loved by God and loving Him in return — a Christian grows up his salvation the right way. Day by day the Spirit empowers this mutual love relationship, helping the believer:

  • Grow in the understanding of his true identity, worth and purpose.
  • Become motivated by love for God in all he does with and for Christ.
  • Increasingly love, forgive and share life with others in healthy ways.
  • Discover how satisfied the soul becomes in such a love with God.

Flawed Roots of Relationship

Tonia identifies flawed roots of relationship such as legalism, fear, neediness, or spiritual ambition, and helps you evaluate if these are roadblocks in your own life with God. She then explains how to move away from such roots into an authentic love life with God.

This powerful little book reveals why the Apostle Paul said love is more crucial than either faith or hope — because, he wrote, “love never fails.” Tonia explains, “We will do things for love we could never do for any other reason.”

Read an excerpt from the chapter One-Sided Love Isn’t His Plan.


  1. The Greatest Commandment
  2. God’s Unfailing Love
  3. Roots – The Source of Life
  4. The Root of Neediness
  5. The Root of Fear
  6. The Root of Ambition
  7. The Root of Law
  8. My Introduction to the Love of God
  9. One-Sided Love Isn’t His Plan
  10. First Steps to Being Established In Love
  11. Why Is Loving God So Hard for Us?
  12. Why Love Is The Greatest Commandment
  13. How Do I Love God Like This?
  14. You Know You Really Love God When

Paperback, 130 pages. $12.00

Buy it in Tonia’s Book Store, at major booksellers, OR in our Shammah Ministries Store on

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