Re-Ordering Your “To Do” List

It was one of those days: I didn’t feel like a woman in ministry, I felt like a juggler. Tense from head to toe, mind rushing ahead to everything I needed to accomplish that day, and even Jesus was on my TO DO list.

Counseling, cooking, housework, writing assignments, watering my wilted flowers…. and as often happens, in the midst of all that, phone calls. Mostly with people needing something important: a prayer; a bit of crisis counseling.

Of course, when such calls come, everything else falls way down the list. In fact, momentarily the list disappears, because connecting with people in their time of need is what my husband and I are called to do, and love to do. We consider it an honor and never, ever mind.

But once their need is tended to, the list returns with a vengeance, only now with less time.

I consider myself to be a great multi-tasker, something I believe my gender takes collective pride in. That mean some days I can juggle many things with peace in my soul. But not that day. That day I was not restful in any sense of the word. I stressed because something on that list was not going to get done. I mentally figured and re-figured: what if I do this, then that, and postpone such-and-such? Everything seemed crucial.

The pressure built until I couldn’t think straight. When I get to that point there’s only one thing left to do: stop everything, and ask my friend and constant companion, the Spirit. Yes, I had been praying on the run in all of that, but prayer became just part of the tangle of everything else.

“Lord, I see can’t get it all done today. What is your priority now? I need wisdom. What do I need to do first?”

The gentle and quiet answer surprised me:

“Get the rush out of your soul, daughter.”

That short sentence felt like the kind of summer rain shower that clears the air of every particle of dust, gently washing it all back down to the earth where it belongs, leaving clear skies and breathable air.

Of course, that’s exactly what the Spirit intended, and He is a master at it. God does have a way with words.

I let it all go, and stepped outside for a walkabout in the garden and further chat with the Lord — about anything at all. It’s one of my favorite things, my favorite forms of “looking away.”

I stretched out on a deck lounger, and put my feet up as if I had nothing to do. Because my main task, as ordered by the Lord, was to get the rush out of my soul. I took a lot of deep breaths, and watched the clouds roll by.

In His wisdom, instead of prioritizing my to-do list, the Spirit helped me reorder my heart.

Honestly, I don’t remember if I got everything done that day, but I remember what the Lord said. In fact, get the rush out of your soul has become a catch phrase between us, a special thing we share. Sometimes when I’m running around like crazy, going willy-nilly, the Spirit just says that, and I stop. I breathe. Everything in me relaxes. I smile. I reconnect to my wonderful God. That phrase has become like a bungee cord for my soul with it dives into the deep.

Though it may seem like today’s message is about what our culture likes to call mindfulness or living in the moment, it is not. And yes, I am very familiar with the moral to the Mary vs. Martha story. But those things, even Scripture, can become so familiar that they lose their impact. There is a special impact to words that are totally fresh and personal.

I want you to walk away from our little moment together thinking about about the wonderfulness of living with the Wonderful Counselor. The Spirit of Christ is the ultimate wise guy. He is funny, compassionate, relevant, smart and savvy. And you live with Him.


  1. Joan Carpenter | 23rd Nov 19

    What a beautiful refreshing message! I needed this today when I read it. God always know what you need when you need it. Thank you Tonia for filling my spirit with the food I needed and being obedient to the Lord. God Bless Joan

  2. Tonia Woolever | 25th Nov 19

    You are quite welcome, Joan! So glad this came on time for you.

    Bless you as you walk with Him daily, dear lady.

  3. C.L. | 30th Nov 19

    Holy Spirit is REALLY moving in the same direction amongst so many of his true, spirit-filled believers!
    One’s comments confirm another’s, yet the two do not know each other!
    The amazing power and witness of the Spirit being omniscient and omnipresent! I just love it how true believers worldwide are all connected to each other through his presence!!
    It is so awesome to see and read this!
    Thank you for sharing your personal downloads and revelations with others and encouraging the spirit-filled body of
    Christ to keep seeking more and more of his glory!

  4. Tonia Woolever | 30th Nov 19

    C.L, you are welcome! I have been so encouraged by the personal stories of others in the generation before me who seek to know and share life with the Spirit. And I marvel at how the Spirit brings us all along together, yet makes it so personal for our individual needs and circumstance. In short, the Spirit is amazing, and I want everyone to know Him. We are on the same team!

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