The Theology of Aloneness

A.W. Tozer is one of my favorite authors. He published a wonderful book in 1950 entitled “The Divine Conquest,” in which he identified a common problem among Christians that still exists today. Quoting a few excerpts: “Is it not true that for most of us …

WE did it!

God has called me to write, but it doesn’t always come easy. I’ve gone through a season of really struggling with the writing lately. Even after clearing my schedule to make more time for it, and my dear hubby throwing all of his support behind …

The Energy of the Spirit

Are you living by the energy of the Spirit? It is heartbreaking to see believers living in frustration, anxiety and even resignation over sharing life with their indwelling Lord. People shrink back from stepping out in their gifts. Often they just can’t get over their …

Hidden Glory

This winter, I am suddenly captivated by the capillary beauty of non-evergreen trees revealed against bare blue winter skies — a glory I’d never noticed before, hidden by other seasons. Now, my eyes are drawn irresistibly to them as I drive the roads and walk …