Hidden Glory

This winter, I am suddenly captivated by the capillary beauty of non-evergreen trees revealed against bare blue winter skies — a glory I’d never noticed before, hidden by other seasons. Now, my eyes are drawn irresistibly to them as I drive the roads and walk about Son Rise, the retreat center where I live.
What strikes me most about this discovery is that until now, the nakedness of the trees saddened me. Lacking their usual green loveliness, all I saw before was the forlorn look of winter.
But without effort or warning, what was once ugly became lovely to me. It stirred new wonder at God and the glory, often hidden, of His creation. I look at the trees and smile, involuntarily.

The teacher in me looks for the lesson.

I think of how the tiniest branches, the tender new growth, normally hidden under the tree’s leafy glory — is now revealed as a great part of that leafy glory. More than that, it is obvious that their presence fills out and underscores the lush beauty of the more visible canopy of the trees.
How fragile these little spidery veins of wooden life appear! But when exposed to icy air and storm; they survive to grow another year. They are stronger than they look. Winter offers these younger branchlings the joy of living closer to the light and warmth of the sun.

But the greater lesson is about your new eyes.

When new awareness comes, when you have new eyes to see your world, it is likely the Holy Spirit working within. Why? There can be many reasons, but in this case the Lord awakened my eyes to something he made, which he himself loves and delights in.
When I look in wonder upon the capillary beauty of the trees in winter, now thrilling me for no discernible reason, I am seeing it with my Creator. Unbidden, he changed my perspective, enabling me to witness anew His creative glory, and share His joy. He just couldn’t let me go another winter feeling sad about something that never makes Him sad.

This is sharing life with God, a sign of His living in me.

His Spirit — gentle, powerful, and quiet much of the time — is never not at work. His work to help you see and hear as your heavenly Father does; to know as He knows. In this simple act the Spirit taught me much without saying a single word.
God’s glory is hidden all around us: in nature, in relationships, in hard things, in people you barely notice, or discount. May you have eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit is revealing this day.


  1. Sharon Woolever | 7th Feb 10

    I have always loved winter trees. Autumn is my favorite season because to me, I always envisioned the trees releasing the past year in preparation for a fresh start in the spring. Naked and vulnerable just as we are when we decide to let go of everything and allow God to renew us. They survive the winter by design, as we survive our own winters, by faith.

    Thus, I have pondered. Thank you for reminding me I need faith this winter season. I adore winter skies.


  2. Anonymous | 7th Feb 10

    One does remember those days when the trees are bare … but life is just folded up in the coming of spring … <…> I sent this on to the Girls of ours!!!

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