God Fills The Hungry Soul

For He has satisfied the thirsty soul, and the hungry soul He has filled with what is good. (Psalm 107:9 NASB)

This is just one of many Scriptures that tantalize us with the idea that knowing God is meant to be supremely satisfying to the soul.

I don’t meet enough satisfied souls. In fact, my reason for living these days often comes down to this one thing: to keep re-introducing Christians to their God, to make sure you understand everything held out to you in the New Covenant of Christ. To offer you what the angel of the Lord called the whole message of this [new] life (in Acts 5:20). Having let Peter and the apostles out of jail in the middle of the night, the angel told them to go forth and preach THAT.

It’s not a theory, nor is it just pretty language God uses to entice you. He means it, and it is true. I know because I tested God on this, in every possible way. I have testimonies about how God satisfies me. When I share them I hope to make you jealous.

When I was hungry for love, He satisfied me. What difference did that make?

I didn’t have to go looking in the wrong places for that anymore. I stopped walking out on relationships that didn’t satisfy me enough. God loved me so good that I took notes, and started loving others like God loves me. For some reason, that got me more of the kind of love I was looking for.

When I am hungry for justice, the Spirit satisfies my need so well that it becomes easier to forgive. Not because I am stronger or somehow more righteous, but because I was no longer concerned with the idea that the offender would “get away with” what they did. In fact, forgiveness comes so much easier and so thoroughly to my soul when I offer God my hunger for justice, that compassion for my offender fills up the place where my hurt used to be. I want them to have what I have: a God who satisfies the heart. It’s crazy, and it’s wonderful. It sets my heart free.

When I thirst for wisdom and direction, the Spirit pours it into my cup. He makes me look smarter than I am. I have something of a reputation for being a wise teacher now. Frankly, that label feels a bit fraudulent to me, because I know what I’m like without the Spirit. Yet, the fact that people ever think I’m wise, proves my point: where I’m empty and hungry, God fills me up with His good things.

Not because I’ve earned it, but because I believe. I believe He satisfies. I believe we are truly one, the Spirit and I, in the New Covenant. I you to know that the Spirit who likes to show off in me wants to show off in you, too. To give you real answers to real problems. Wise answers, the kind that do more than answer your problem for the moment, but actually build something in you for your tomorrows.

Beloved, believe! I pray you’ll just give in and let your whole heart hope in what Jesus offers in the New Covenant. All of Him, filling all of you, ready to satisfy every hunger.

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