A Prayer For God’s Beloved World

The Spirit Life post, Tuesday: A Good Day To Pray for God’s Beloved World, explained how God’s priesthood in Israel sang a special song according to the day of the week, at the morning sacrifice of worship and dedication. Each song had its own theme, and Tuesday’s song became our Psalm 82.

In this Psalm God calls His people to exercise their authority in the world to bring about justice. The Passion Translation reveals just how timeless and timely God’s plea is:

1 All rise! For God now comes to judge as he convenes heaven’s courtroom. He judges every judge and rules over every ruler, saying,
2 “How long will you judges refuse to listen to the voice of true justice and continue to corrupt what is right by judging in favor of the wrong?”

Pause in his presence

3 “Defend the defenseless, the fatherless and the forgotten, the disenfranchised and the destitute.
4 Your duty is to deliver the poor and the powerless; liberate them from the grasp of the wicked.
5 But you continue in your darkness and ignorance while the foundations of society are shaken to the core!
6 Didn’t I commission you as judges, saying, ‘You are all like gods, since you judge on my behalf. You are all like sons of the Most High, my representatives.’
7 Nevertheless, in death you are nothing but mere men! You will be laid in the ground like any prince and you will die.”
8 All rise! For God now takes his place as judge of all the earth. Don’t you know that everything and everyone belongs to him? The nations will be sifted in his hands!

Psalms 82 (Passion Translation NT)

We don’t need a reminder about the state of our world. Most of us now live totally connected to the information stream that flows ever wider and faster, and filled increasingly with news that makes the heart grieve. Darkness is indeed increasing on the earth.

But we do need a reminder of our position in Christ and the role we have been entrusted with. Most of us are not rulers or judges, yet we can, by our prayers, do our part to defend the defenseless, the fatherless and the forgotten, the disenfranchised and the destitute, to deliver the poor and the powerless; liberate them from the grasp of the wicked.

I offer a prayer of intercession on this Tuesday and invite you to join me.

Father God, we come to you in Jesus’ name. We praise you and thank you, Lord, for your wisdom and grace, and for the great honor of being your children. Forgive us, Lord, for failing to take our place at your side on behalf of the weak and needy. Forgive us for every unworthy response to injustice. Help us forget ourselves, and turn our grief, anxiety and anger into prayers that will make a difference. Strengthen us to take our place of responsibility, to stand with you on behalf of all those suffering in the world today, to hear your words and declare your will in this world you have given us care over.

Lord, please rise up in your mighty power, and rescue the helpless from those who would kill, steal and destroy their lives. Reign in every wicked power.

We ask you to reveal yourself to every ruler and judge, Lord! Convict them of righteousness — of the right way to judge and rule over the people you love and have entrusted to them. Have mercy, oh Lord, and remove ruthless rulers, and replace them with those who love mercy, justice and righteousness.

For the sake of your great name, O Lord, reveal your sovereign power to the nations. Let the fear of the Lord rise up in all those in power. Visit them in dreams and visions, and warn them with your warnings.

In Jesus’ name, we bind every lying tongue and say, “Be silent!” We call forth the Spirit of Truth in every situation. Come, Spirit of Truth! Let your voice be heard in the nations. Let your voice be heard in our government. Let your voice be heard in our communities. Let your voice be heard in our families.

Let your voice be heard in me, and come forth through me.

Lord, we desire all those under the power of wicked rulers be liberated. We desire the needs of the needy be met, and where they can be met through me, stir your will in me.

Lord, we ask for a release of your great wisdom. For the sake of your beloved people everywhere, release the wisdom that destroys foolishness and ignorance, that exposes folly and deception. Give all those who govern, ears to hear and eyes to see the righteous thing: the right way, at the right time, for the right reasons.

All for your glory, Lord. For the sake of your great name, we ask these things. For the sake of the world you love, we say, let your kingdom come, and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

And let it begin with me.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

I offer you my words to prime your own prayer pump. Beloved, I know the Spirit has also put words in you. Please share them and declare them! Never doubt that your words are heard on high, and your prayers make a difference in the world.

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