Christian, Draw Near To God, Because You Can

Today I am pondering Hebrews Chapter 7, and one special phrase in the following passage that especially stirs my spirit: The former regulation is set aside because it was weak and useless (for the law made nothing perfect), and a better hope is introduced, by …

A High Priest Like No Other

The author of Hebrews was on a mission. It was to convince redeemed Jewish believers that Jesus was not only their Savior, but their ONLY Savior and connection to God. Undoubtedly that was a tough sell in light of the fact that for thousands of …

A Scriptural Riff on Entering God’s Rest

In the book of Hebrews, the author launches into what would, today, be called a riff. A riff to convince you that the promise of entering God’s rest is not only available to you, but that you should do so without fail! A “riff” originally …